
Die erste Kerze brennt, und somit hat der Advent – die geruhsame Zeit des Wartens auf die Geburt Jesu – begonnen.
Willibald Zach hat es in seinem Gedicht auf den Punkt gebracht: Der Mensch will vor allem eines – glücklich sein und in Frieden leben!

Nun ist es wiederum so weit,
es naht die stille, schöne Zeit.
Wir schmücken lieblich Haus und Räume,
vom Wald holt man die Weihnachtsbäume.

Man geht in sich, wird ernst und still,
weil doch der Mensch nur eines will:
Glücklich sein, in Frieden leben,
für die Welt sein Bestes geben.

Und man entzündet tief im Herzen
voller Erwartung Weihnachtskerzen,
die hell mit ihrem warmen Licht
froh flackernd künden still und schlicht:

“Die erste Friedenskerze brennt!
Besinnt euch, es ist Advent!

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  2. A short-term fluctuation in the Coinbase premium doesn’t appear to have any bearing on Bitcoin’s long-term trajectory. The digital asset remains in a strong uptrend, having peaked well north of $49,700 on Sunday, according to TradingView data. So if you’re bullish on cryptocurrency and blockchain why choose Coinbase over Bitcoin? Well, unlike Bitcoin, Coinbase has fundamental and intrinsic value. Yes, its business structure at the moment is heavily dependent on Bitcoin, but at least analysts can value Coinbase based on their assets. Bitcoin is more volatile than Coinbase, which can lead to higher profits, but Coinbase is a much safer play. The main attraction of Coinbase’s is its immersion in decentralization. This requires users to fully trust Coinbase’s system but their accountability is questionable. Unlike traditional banks which are required by governments to have a reserve if things go pear shaped, Coinbase is playing somewhat in the Wild West. It’s believed that Coinbase would give users time to withdraw their money and assets if things were to go south for the company, but the legalities of the crypto world are still being discussed.
    Coinbase is one of the most popular crypto exchanges particularly in the USA. Having a coin listed on this exchange is well sought after by blockchain projects. Our review team researched several new Coinbase listings and detailed their uses case, benefits and how their features provide utility for investors. Boba Network is a ‚Layer-2‘ scaling solution for Ethereum, aiming to reduce GAS fees and improve transaction speeds. Using a smart contract-based mechanism, Boba Network can take transactions from the Ethereum chain, bundle them into one, and then send them back – reducing network congestion. The Top 10 New Cryptos on Coinbase to Buy in July 2022Listed below are ten new Coinbase cryptos with huge potential – all of which will be discussed in the following section: Boba Network is a ‚Layer-2‘ scaling solution for Ethereum, aiming to reduce GAS fees and improve transaction speeds. Using a smart contract-based mechanism, Boba Network can take transactions from the Ethereum chain, bundle them into one, and then send them back – reducing network congestion.

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