Gedanken zum 1. Mai 2020

Der Tag der Arbeit wird heuer wohl anders begangen.

Der „Tag der Arbeit“ wird begangen!
Ein fürwahr hehres Unterfangen.
Doch nicht, wie sonst, wird aufmarschiert,
vor den Genossen defiliert.

Frau Rendi Wagner darf sich freuen,
braucht sie doch keine Pfiffe scheuen,
die Faymann seinerzeit gegolten,
und ihn vom Kanzlersessel holten.
Doch ist man noch beim Stimmenzählen,
noch steht im Raum sie abzuwählen!

Und gibt es auch kein Fahnenschwenken,
ich möchte heut an jene denken,
die ihren Arbeitsplatz verloren,
zum Arbeitslosen auserkoren!

Ich wünsche ihnen Kraft und Mut,
im Glauben, es wird alles gut,
was sie zurzeit so schwer getroffen.
Lasst sie nicht zweifeln, lasst sie hoffen,
dass unsre Welt bald virenfrei!
Das wünsch ich uns am 1. Mai!

5 Gedanken zu „Gedanken zum 1. Mai 2020

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    A bitcoin wallet can be used for international transfers. This will make it easy to send money abroad in minutes with no additional fees. Bitcoin cryptocurrency is also an easy way to send money abroad without intermediaries. There are no particular restrictions on the minimum or maximum amount you can send. Please stand by, while we are checking your browser… One of the ways to keep this information in a safe place is to generate a “paper” wallet. The paper wallet is a type of offline wallets (aka cold storage wallets which we’ll describe below). Basically, you get your alphanumeric code printed on a piece of paper. You can also store your private keys on the PC or the cell phone, but the risks are higher. Computers and smartphones are not immune to malware.

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  3. 13. Click the Calendar icon at the bottom of Outlook’s left sidebar to see your Google Calendar events in your Microsoft Calendar.  One way to make an appointment appear in both Google and Outlook calendars simultaneously is to simply invite yourself by entering your email address when creating a new event. You basically create a meeting with yourself, so in Google Calendar you would invite yourself by adding your Outlook or Outlook email address. Outlook is known to be as one of the personal information managers from the Microsoft. This program is commonly used as an email application. However, aside from that, it also includes some other features such as calendar, task manager, contact manager, note taking, journal, and web browsing.Because of this, some Android users are actually using this application as a means of backing up their contacts from or to their Android device. This way, they will be able to save their precious contacts in a safe place.
    The most common reasons for transferring iPhone Contacts to Gmail are to make a switch from iPhone to Android Phone and to switch Email Service provider to Gmail. People that have been classified with the Stages (Lead, Potential, etc…) and Segments (Client, Partner, etc…) you select in this section of settings will be synced to Google Contacts with a Label applied called „Cloze“.   This tutorial is to help you keep your phone, Google+ contacts and all other profiles synced to your Gmail Account and all other Google Services. In only a few steps you can apply these changes and sync your accounts. Go to the Settings app on your Android phone and Select Accounts & Sync. For some devices, this option might be “Accounts” or “Account & Backup” only instead of Accounts & sync. Step 3: Plug your iOS device to your Mac and open iTunes. Click on your iPhone on the left panel of iTunes (or at the top of the iTunes window if you are using iTunes 11) and then click on the Info tab at the top of the window. Make sure the Sync Address Book contacts option is checked and then click on Sync at the bottom right of the iTunes window to apply the changes and have all your contacts transferred to your iPhone or other iOS device.

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